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Wisdom Teeth Removal

Prevent Costly Problems by Protecting Your Oral Health Today

Wisdom teeth, also called third molars, are the last teeth to develop. This usually happens between the mid to late teen years, although some people never develop any at all. In many cases, wisdom teeth do not have enough room in the mouth to emerge without causing expensive and painful problems, such as impaction, infection, dental crowding, pain, and cysts.

Visiting our office in Mount Pleasant to have these molars removed early can prevent many oral health complications. We’re located less than 10 miles north on N Highway 17 from Charleston right beside Mt. Pleasant Towne Centre. We generally find that younger patients have more comfortable procedures and recoveries, but wisdom teeth can be removed at any age when necessary.

Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth

An impacted tooth occurs when a tooth is blocked by overlying gum and/or bone tissue and is unable to erupt properly into the mouth. A dental exam with X-ray imaging is needed to diagnose an impacted tooth, which is performed at your regular dental checkups. When you visit our practice, we will use our state-of-the-art 3D CBCT scanner to produce highly detailed images.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you may have impacted wisdom teeth:

  • Swelling, pain, pressure, or sensitivity in the back of the mouth
  • Discomfort when opening or closing the mouth
  • Ongoing bad breath
  • An unpleasant taste in the mouth

Dr. Matthew Barefoot is a board-certified oral surgeon with many years of experience in airway management, endotracheal intubation, establishing and maintaining intravenous lines, and managing complications and emergencies that may arise during the administration of anesthesia.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Process


During your first visit to our office, you will receive 3D CBCT diagnostic scans that allow us to discover the exact location, size, and depth of the wisdom teeth. From there, we can create a customized treatment plan for the procedure. In some cases, tooth extraction or bone grafting may be necessary. You will also receive detailed pre- and post-operative instructions.

Day of Surgery

The extraction procedure typically takes 30 to 60 minutes. A parent or responsible adult should be present in the office during your procedure, drive you home to recover, and stay with you for the rest of the day.

The procedure will be quick if the tooth is visible above the gum line. For this type of extraction, Dr. Barefoot will loosen the tooth before removing it with forceps. If the wisdom teeth are impacted or below the gum line, you will likely receive general anesthesia so that you will be asleep during the procedure. Dr. Barefoot will make small incisions in your gum tissue and may remove a small amount of bone to extract the impacted teeth. After the extraction, the surgical sites will be stitched closed.


You can expect to be sleepy and rest for most of the day following your procedure. You may require prescription pain medication, although over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen may be sufficient. Our practice proudly offers EXPAREL®, a non-narcotic pain management solution that reduces or eliminates the need for opioids after surgery. You should follow all post-operative instructions. Please contact our office if you have any questions during your recovery.

Procedure Instructions

Our office provides detailed instructions before and after your surgery. We believe that a large part of the patient experience includes patient education and guidance, which is why these instructions are detailed and will outline everything you need to know about your procedure.

Top 3 Benefits Wisdom Teeth Extraction

  1. Preventive Measure. Removing third molars early can prevent oral health issues from arising, like infection, cysts, tumors, pain, and more.
  2. Protect Other Teeth. Wisdom teeth often push against the other teeth, which can cause pain, bite problems, and even nerve damage.
  3. Preserve Alignment. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause overcrowding, which can shift other teeth out of alignment.

The Cost of Having Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

The cost of wisdom teeth removal will vary and depend on factors like insurance coverage, the number of wisdom teeth, the choice of anesthesia or EXPAREL, and more. We work hard to make sure that our care is offered at prices that are competitive for the Mount Pleasant, SC, area. We also provide convenient payment options and aim to maximize your insurance benefits.

To read more answers to common wisdom tooth questions, visit our Wisdom Teeth Removal FAQ page.

Hear From Patients

Why Choose an Oral Surgeon?

An oral surgeon like Dr. Barefoot undergoes extensive training to perform complex surgeries and restorative procedures to the head, neck, and face, and is qualified to administer anesthesia safely.

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Why choose os image

Why Choose an Oral Surgeon?

An oral surgeon like Dr. Barefoot undergoes extensive training to perform complex surgeries and restorative procedures to the head, neck, and face, and is qualified to administer anesthesia safely.

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Questions? We Are Here to Help

Our staff is here to answer your questions and guide you throughout your journey with our practice. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding your treatment.